Waking up around 8 am Saturday, to get to our stand around 9, Sarah and I were pleasantly surprised to find our i-to-i stand right in front of the coffee and muffin stand. Plus what made it even better was that exhibitors got any coffee free for the whole day! There was a really big turn out both days, but we definitely had a lot more interest than we would have expected. Even though both days were extremely long and non-stop busy, there is something about talking to people about different travel and teaching opportunities that really makes me enjoy the work. I feel like I can really relate to the people who are looking for something challenging and different, but aren't sure why the heck they are doing something so risky. It's that hunt for finding yourself. That gut that is steering you toward Korea, Thailand, or somewhere in the vast South African desert doing a career you would never had imagined. Not to mention being American selling the idea of working and traveling abroad to the Irish shows I'm not just 'talk.' I honestly do feel like while I work with customers or even just random people inquiring about i-to-i, I start to realize more and more each day where I see myself or what I want to do.
That first night after the expo, the company that was organizing the whole event invited all the other companies to one of the local pubs across the street to watch the final rugby match of Ireland vs Wales. Now this was a very exciting moment in all Ireland, or any of the 6 nations for that matter, because if Ireland beat Wales then not only would they win the rugby championship, but it would be the first time since 1948 that Ireland would have a grand slam, winning every single match.
Now, having grown up a baseball and football girl myself, I have come to realize that rugby can kick the crap out of both those sports. Not only are these guys built five times the size of normal-day-Joe, but they have the thickness of Humpback Whales, the strength linebackers wish for, and more endurance than any player whose life was to train for running bases. Not only is rugby a full contact sport, but the only accessory to the shirt and shorts are shoes and a mouth-gard (i.e.: NO padding what-so-ever, no helmet, no sliding shorts- take that football). Plus, what may make the game hard to follow, the clock rarely ever stops and the players rarely ever stop pushing, shoving and beating the life out of each other to regroup for a new play or form on the line. This is a game I would only last .2 seconds in, but can watch all day, mainly because of the number one rule of rugby: the players must be remarkably gorgeous. Now the real talent of this crazed European sport is how they retain their beautiful faces; Or as Sarah describes, the "humm-ina hummm-ina" of themselves.
Probably the most dramatic and exhausting game, these two teams battled until the very end with Ireland ultimately outlasting Wales 15 - 17. While I am still on my hunt to discover 'what it means to be Irish,' I did realize that massive support and celebration was defined under the Irish name. I did learn two very fun and interesting facts about the Triple Crown trophy from my rugby buddy who was sitting behind me at the pub. He was very impressed about the young American girl in front of him supporting Ireland rugby, and following the game as if she was raised on it. He shared these fun facts with me so I could challenge someone later...
1) Question: What has the most recent change been to the trophy?
Answer: The inside now has gold lining because the champagne celebration would degrade the trophy
2) Question: How many bottles of champagne fill the trophy?
Answer: Five, because there use to only be 5 Nations in the rugby.
And challenge someone I did. Of course in the Irish spirit we bet a drink that I would know something about Irish rugby that the heavy-set Irish native wouldn't know... I scored a Jack and Diet out of it, while I'm sure he scored a story his friends will never let down!
When we returned in the morning for the second expo day, David, one of the organizers, came up to me and informed me that I had been on the Ireland news last night. Completely taken back wondering if my American rugby enthusiasm made the nightly news, David informed me that the RTE News was at the expo and ran a short segment at 6 pm, and then again at 9 pm and zoomed into me at our booth. In horror, when we got back to Dungarvan Sunday night I went onto the news Web site and there it was, the video clip of the 9 am news and while you only see me for a brief moment....I was on the nightly news!!...AND I was recognized!
Click onto the link below (or you may have to copy and paste it) to watch the segment! After the lady starts talking you will see a scan of people at the expo and then toward the end it scans into someone holding a brochure titled "TEFL jobs Abroad, Get Paid to Travel" and you will see me in my lovely Green i-to-i work shirt!
Kind of ironic showing on the news the American in Ireland selling the idea of working abroad...
This Friday I will be going to Cork for the same expo from 1-8 pm so maybe I'll get a spot on nightly news again...stay tuned!
p.s. Had to put this in my blog for a shout out to a friend who keeps in touch as best he can.
Promised you I'd find it and here's the proof!

Ha ha, Taylor you are awesome. Should I start spelling my name Bre'?
hahaha that will officially be your new nickname now!
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