On your way to the entrance

At the entrance Ollie was trying to find the other part of our group on the map, while Steph was looking at where all the animals were. I took this picture after one of the best conversations ever:
Steph:(looking at the map) "Oh look, there are the giraffes, monkeys, and zebras!"
Taylor: "Oh cool! Hey steph where are the Woolly Mammoths??!"
Steph: "ummmm" (just keeps looking at the map all over) "uhhh"
Taylor: "BAHAHAH! Woolly Mammoths are extinct!!"
Steph: "Oh crap!" and starts laughing histerically...*picture is taken*

The Zebras!

The were rebel Zebras and kept getting over the walls...

Baby giraffe eating lunch..

I decided to not take note of this sign

Trying to slide down the little kid slide

At the top of the slide

One of the many cheetahs

A family of little lemurs hanging out with the spider monkeys

Two familiar faces by now

Our monkey friend

Another buddy of ours hanging in the tree

The worlds perfectly colored duck.

Ollie getting attached by the ducks

Feeding time

Is your mama a llama?

Just hanging out on the side of the walkway with my friends and the llamas.

More of the Zebras

Now the videos I look had a problem uploading so check back soon and I'll try and get those posted!
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